A mixtape for multiple sclerosis

A mixtape for multiple sclerosis

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Vanity kills


That's it.

I'm having a hair cut.

My crowning glory - which has absolutely never been glorious - has been reducing in volume for the last few months and although we have had some stresses, I think there may be another culprit...

The official side effects of Tecfidera don't list hair loss, but there's far too many anecdotes on Tec forums of hair breaking, thinning and full-on shedding for me to not believe there is a link.

So Friday will be haircut day and I fear with the amount lost, I'm going to have to go short.

The last time I had a crop I was a sensitive teenager at secondary school and was emotionally scarred by a dinnerlady who, on seeing me line up with my friends, asked "Oh, are you sitting with the girls as well?"

Not a great confidence boost to a 13-year-old with spots, a sizeable nose and now, apparently, a masculine aura.

But there's no getting round it, my hair is falling out so the scissors are going to have to get a workout.

And I shall be wearing everything feminine I can lay my hands on for the foreseeable future.

:: Vanity kills by Codeine Velvet Club

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